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Culture for progress in the post-Covid-19 era, by David Rodríguez

Culture for progress in the post-Covid-19 era, by David Rodríguez

David Rodríguez

Cultural Manager and Head of Cultural Projects for the Swiss League Against Cancer (Krebsliga)

In an article in la Vanguardia, David Rodríguez, cultural manager and head of cultural projects for the Swiss League against cancer (Krebsliga), explains the importance of investing in culture to help the city recover after the Covid-19 crisis. "We cannot forget that if the city doesn’t have a strong cultural ecosystem, there will be little to appeal to tourists and the city won’t generate economic and social innovation", says Rodríguez, who stresses that the range of culture on offer in Barcelona "will define the economic development and quality of life of the city."

David Rodriguez says that in L, ciudad en la que vive, afirma que la población ha actuado de forma muy responsable, en el marco de un país, Suiza, “con un presupuesto estatal sólido, una infraestructura sanitaria robusta, un sistema político federal con una amplia seguridad jurídica, una sociedad civil muy activa, con buenas relaciones diplomáticas y una economía liberal general fuerte”.

Read the full interview in La Vanguardia.

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La Vanguardia

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